
Chairman of Kuwait and Arab Electronic Media Unions: “Elections in Azerbaijan strengthen stability and democracy in region”


“The parliamentary elections to be held in Azerbaijan can be considered a historical event. Because this is the first parliamentary elections to be held in the entire territory of Azerbaijan, and it is also of great symbolic importance. These elections are one of the important turning points in the country’s history,” Faisal Khalifa al-Sawwagh , Chairman of the Board of Kuwait and Arab Electronic Media Unions, told Secki 2024 Independent Media Center.

He noted that the organization of elections in territories liberated from occupation is an important step that strengthens Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and national unity.


“Now, citizens who returned to their homes after years of conflict can use all their rights, including voting and being elected, in their native lands. This is not only a victory for democracy, but also a confirmation of the return of normal life to these areas,” he said.


Faisal Khalifa al-Sawwagh emphasized that these elections are also important for friendly countries of Azerbaijan.


“The parliamentary elections to be held in Azerbaijan strengthen confidence in political stability in the region. Azerbaijan’s success in holding fair and comprehensive elections encourages other countries to strengthen their economic and political relations with it. In addition, friendly countries consider this step as a positive sign of strengthening security and stability in the South Caucasus, and the progress of democracy in the region. These elections can be considered as an opportunity to strengthen international and regional cooperation. Because the success of the election process in Azerbaijan increases its image in the international world as a stable country capable of organizing democratic events based on transparency and honesty. This factor can lead to an increase in foreign investments and economic partnership, because investors and trade partners consider political stability as an important factor in decision-making,” said the Kuwaiti expert.


Faisal Khalifa al-Sawwagh added that the election process is an indicator of the strengthening of national sovereignty and political independence at the geopolitical level.



“Countries friendly to Azerbaijan can evaluate the success of these elections as support for their policies aimed at promoting stability and peace in the region. The elections can also be a stimulating example for other countries in the region to strengthen democracy and the rule of law, and contribute to the development of the region as a whole. From this point of view, the parliamentary elections held in Azerbaijan are not only a nationwide event, but rather a regional and international event. It is clear that Azerbaijan is moving forward on the path of stability, development and democracy, and this is for the benefit of not only the people of Azerbaijan, but also friendly countries and international partners,” Faisal Khalifa al-Sawwagh said.


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