
Young Leaders from 18 Countries to Gather in Baku for International Public Support of COP29


With the financial support of the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan (AYF), the organization of the Azerbaijan Democratic Student & Youth Organization (ADSAYO), and the partnership of the National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA), the International Youth Forum titled “Supporting Environmental Policy Through Young Leaders” will be held in Baku from September 9-13, 2024.


The international event’s plenary opening will take place on September 10, 2024, at the Baku Congress Center, featuring the participation of 22 young leaders from 18 countries, heads of NGOs working with youth, over 60 youth organization leaders from our country, representatives from government structures, experts, and other guests.


Active young leaders, heads of youth NGOs, experts and specialists from France, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Czechia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and Kazakhstan will join their Azerbaijani counterparts for four days. They will organize panel discussions on global environmental issues, climate change challenges and their mitigation, expanding eco-volunteering, promoting a green world, and green participation.


The event will also focus on collaboration, exchange, and networking opportunities, international public support for COP29, and the dissemination of Azerbaijan’s global activities for the sake of a green world. Meetings with official governmental bodies and NGO coalitions will also be held, with calls to action for ongoing activities in this direction.


At the Forum’s conclusion, the adoption of the Baku Declaration, an international public support call for COP29, and the establishment and sustainable development of a “Cooperation Network on Climate Change and Active Green Participation” are also planned.



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