image-img_20220409_203618backend web site has been launched in the Netherlands


““Stichting Together Strong” Association’s new project – web site has been launched in the Netherlands within “Justice for Khojaly” international awareness campaign”, said Ilkana Goja, coordinator of the Coordination Council of Azerbaijanis in the Netherlands-Belgium, founder of the “Stichting Together Strong” Association. The web-site was launched in early 2022 on the 30th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide. The first website in the Dutch language reflecting the truth about Khojaly, will also provide information about other massacres, genocides committed against Azerbaijanis. Ilkana Goja also spoke about strong ties between “Stichting Together Strong” Association and the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

“We received advice from local experts. An official letter prepared by “Stichting Together Strong” Association within the project has been sent to the members of community, our compatriots, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands” said Ilkana Goja.
Writer, publicist Irada Alili’s book “Khojaly: the witnesses are narrating” in Dutch will be presented to the country’s officials, MPs, influential businessmen and the local community members within the framework of the project.
The book is planned to be republished and shared on the digital libraries.
“Stichting Together Strong” Association since ever its establishment has promoted truth about Azerbaijan and Karabakh, and has presented Armenian forgery to the world community.




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